We are happy to have you return any item that is purchased on our site that is unopened and within a 14 day period since purchase.
If the parcel is damaged in transit we would advise not to sign the for the delivery. In the event you have signed for it please take pictures that you can send to us to verify the damage and we will gladly help to resolve the matter.
In the event you have made a purchase and the item has been damaged in transit or it is not the product you bought then we will be happy to it returned and a replacement sent out.
We will arrange for a shipping label to be emailed to you or taken of by the courier so you won’t have to pay any additional charges. Simply return the product in the same packaging it arrived in or if the package has been damaged we will send you a replacement box.
Please note we will require images of the parcel received prior to us agreeing to have the item send back.
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